Incineration is one of the key technologies for treatment of municipal and hazardous waste in Europe. Incineration bottom ashes and residues from the flue gas cleaning are produced in large quantities and can either be considered as environmentally hazardous materials or reused as valuable materials or potential resources of valuable elements in view of the circular economy concept. In this project we will mostly focus on mineralogy, solid speciation, binding, and potential recovery mechanisms of valuable and “less studied” technologically critical elements in recent and archived samples of the residues originating mainly from the municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWI) operating in the Czech Republic. The applicant will mainly use various mineralogical techniques (XRD, SEM/EDS, EPMA, HRTEM, autoSEM) to understand the solid speciation of the elements of interest in the incineration residues, followed by leaching/extraction tests to simulate their release and/or potential recovery. The project will be conducted in a close collaboration with Dr. Michal Šyc (Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals) and Dr. Jiri Hyks (Danish Waste Solutions).

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