Project summary


Hypoplastic models have successfully been developed at Faculty of Science of Charles University since 2005. Starting from the existing model for sands, Mašín (2005) extended the applicability of hypoplastic models to behaviour of clays. These models have been implemented into various finite element codes (see and adopted in simulations of different geotechnical problems. These models are known for accurate predictions of soil non-linear behaviour. However, although the models correctly predict also soil shear strength, to date they cannot be adopted for quantification of slope stability. In finite element method, stability is typically evaluated using simple Mohr-Coulomb model, using so-called method of phi-c reduction. Friction angle is reduced until slope becomes unstable. Factor of safety is then a ratio of the true friction angle and friction angle at failure. Hypoplasticity, in principle, is more suitable for factor of safety quantification, because it can accurately reproduce soil peak strength and critical strength. However, phi-c reduction has yet not been developed in hypoplasticity. The aim of this research project is to incorporate factor of safety quantification into hypoplasticity and implement it into finite element code Plaxis. The method will be evaluated by calculating slope stability of different slopes in 2D and also in 3D.

Five relevant publications of the research group

Mašín, D. (2019): Modelling of Soil Behaviour with Hypoplasticity – Another Approach to Soil Constitutive Modelling. Springer International Publishing, 192 p., ISBN: 978-3-030-03975-2.

Ragni, R., Bienen, B., Wang, D., Mašín, D. and Cassidy, M. J. (2017). Numerical modelling of the effects of consolidation on the undrained spudcan capacity under combined loading in silty clay. Computers and Geotechnics 86, 33-51.

Ma, Q. J., Ng, C. W. W., Mašín, D. and Zhou, C. (2017). An approach for modelling volume change of fine-grained soil subjected to thermal cycles. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 54, No. 6, 896-901.

tutz, H., Mašín, D. and Wuttke, F. (2016). Enhancement of a hypoplastic model for granular soil-structure interface behaviour. Acta Geotechnica 11, No. 6, 1249-1261.

Bruthans, J., Soukup, J., Vaculikova, J., Filippi, M., Schweigstillova, J., Mayo, A., Masin, D., Kletetschka, G. and Rihosek, J. (2014). Sandstone landforms shaped by negative feedback between stress and erosion. Nature Geoscience 7, No. 8, 597-601.

Current research grants of the group

TAČR TK01010063

Source of financial support of the project
(min. 5000 CZK per month)

TAČR TK01010063

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