Currently it is well accepted that earthquake swarms are driven by fluids in the crust. Longterm
monitoring is essential to understand these phenomena and their interactions.
The West Bohemia/Vogtland area in central Europe is known for the geodynamic activity
represented by CO2 degassing and earthquake swarm activity. High portions of mantle derived
helium and CO2 indicate magmatic origin of the gas in the Earth’s mantle. Monitoring data show
that the rate and isotopic composition varies with time and is related to the seismicity. The
CarbonNet monitoring network was recently extended by a field laboratory equipped by Delta
Ray and mass spectrometers that allow for long-term monitoring of delta13C and gas
composition in the ascending CO2 at three depth levels in order to better understand the
dynamics of the gas flow and its relation to the tectonic processes.
In the proposed project it is planned to explore the relations of isotopic and concentration
signals in the acquired data and their possible link to the seismic activity. The background of
the PhD candidate should include geochemistry and time series analysis. Strong commitment
to the studied topics is expected and familiarity with data processing packages and ability of
creating own codes is preferential.

Deadline is closed

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