Project summary
Demography and population science, in general, has a high application potential. Although its topics are more and more discussed nowadays, in the Czech demography a comprehensive study dealing with demographic knowledge and its application and effective public spread is still missing. In the proposed project, there is the aim to summarize the information about possible practical usage of knowledge of population development and demographic processes and above all about effective ways how this information may be spread or presented publicly. Special attention will be devoted to the educational process, where an individual subject dealing with population science is traditionally not included. In this relation, the proposed project should lead to a complex formulation of practical recommendations on how demographical issues could be implemented into education above all at the higher secondary level. Based on the results, independent research of didactics of demography could be developed.
Selected publications of the research group
- Kocourková, J. 2011. Preventivní populační politika. In Češka R., Fait T., Vrablík M. (eds.) Preventivní medicína. Praha: Maxdorf (v tisku) ISBN 978-80-7346-237-7.
- Marada, M., Hanus M., Hulíková Tesárková, K., Janská E., Jančák V., Jelen L., Matějček T., Novotný J., Ouředníček M., Kocová T., Dupalová A. 2017. Zeměpis 9, učebnice pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia, nová generace. Nakladatelství Fraus, Plzeň. ISBN 978-80-7489-310-0.
- Fischer, J., Mazouch, P., Hulíková Tesárková, K., Kurtinová, O. (eds.). 2019. New Generations in Demography: New Challenging Adventures in the Population Science. Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2019. ISBN 978-80-245-2302-6. DOI: 10.18267/pu.2019.fis.2302.6, ( Available online: [e-book]
- Kocourková, J., Konečná, H., Burcin, B., Kučera, T. 2015. How old is too old? A contribution to the discussion on age limits for assisted reproduction technique access. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. DOI: (IF=3,015)
- Hulík, V., Tesárková, K. 2009. Dopady demografického vývoje na vzdělávací soustavu v České republice. Orbis Scholae, 3 (3), s. 7–23. ISSN 1802-4637.
Current research projects of the group
- Social mobility of elites in the Central European regions (1861-1926) and transition of imperial experience and structures in nation-states, EXPRO 2020, 2020-2024 (č. 20-19463X, doc. PhDr. Alice Velková, Ph.D.)
- Transition towards the late childbearing pattern: individual prospects versus societal costs, GAČR, 2018-2020 (č. 18-08013S, doc. RNDr. Jiřina Kocourková, Ph.D.)
- Spatial differentiation and visualisation of geodemographic processes with a focus on households in an ageing society in the Czech Republic, GAČR, 2018-2020 (č. 18-12166S, prof. RNDr. Jitka Rychtaříková, CSc.)
- Testing the "grandmother hypothesis": Transgenerational effect on reproduction based on parish registers from the 17th -19th century Bohemia, GAČR, 2017-2019 (č. 17-11983S, doc. PhDr. Alice Velková, Ph.D.)
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