Forest ecosystems of Central Europe are exposed to factors potentially decreasing their productivity (droughts) but also to agents increasing tree growth (carbon and nitrogen fertilization). The results of the interplay between growth-supporting and growth-depressing forces are unclear and probably also geographically variable. The goal of this PhD project will be to compare the response of trees to drought events over the last century by the means of resilience indices (resilience, resistance, recovery and legacy) derived from tree-ring width series of Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies. The site-based information of tree response to drought will be extended to landscape level using Landsat remote-sensing data since the 1970s. Modelled drought intensity data will be provided by other members of the research group. The successful candidate should have experience with tree-ring research, the knowledge of processing remote sensing data is an advantage. Besides the conventional analysis of tree rings and remote sensing data, the PhD student will be also involved in preparation of samples for carbon stable-isotope analysis.
Ponocná T., Chuman T.,Rydval M.,Urban G.,Migala K.,Treml V. 2018. Deviations of treeline Norway spruce radial growth from summer temperatures in East-Central Europe. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 253, p. 62-70.
Tumajer, J., Altman, J., Štěpánek P., Treml V., Doležal J., Ciencala E. 2017.Increasing moisture limitation of Norway spruce in Central Europe revealed by forward modelling of tree growth in tree-ring network. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247, p. 56-64.
Treml, V., Veblen, T.T. 2017. Does tree growth sensitivity to warming trends vary according to treeline form? Journal of Biogeography 44, p.1469-1480.
Tumajer, J., Treml, V. 2016. Response of floodplain pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) tree-ring width and vessel anatomy to climatic trends and extreme hydroclimatic events. Forest Ecology and Management 379, p. 185-194
Ponocná, T., Spyt, B., Kaczka, R., Büntgen, U., Treml V. 2016. Growth trends and climate responses of Norway spruce along elevational gradients in East-Central Europe. Trees-Structure and Function 30, p. 1633–1646.
Does rising CO2 concentration decrease the sensitivity of European temperate conifers to drought? (funded by Grant Agency of Czech Republic, 2019-2021)
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