Project summary

In modern societies, the planning of reproductive plans is largely the result of conscious decisions, which are influenced by the personal priorities. Not only these priorities, but also reproductive intentions themselves may be re-assessed based on sudden changes in society, such as health or financial crises (Matysiak et al. 2021). Although the recent COVID-19 pandemic began as a health crisis, it gradually evolved into a broader crisis that affected the economic sphere as well. The health threat, coupled with deepening economic insecurity, has been referred to as a double or multiple crisis (Grasso et al. 2021), which in turn may lead to a deepening of existing or the emergence of new patterns of social inequalities, which may be reflected in the emergence of new barriers related to reproductive behaviour.

The project aims to investigate reproductive plans and the realization thereof in the context of changing life trajectories and increasing differentiation of partner and professional life trajectories of young Czech women and men. To answer contemporary societal challenges related to population and family dynamics, to understand current demographic changes and to formulate adequate policies, the monitoring and thorough analyses based on high-quality and cross-nationally comparable longitudinal data is essential. The research will be based on the use of individual-level survey data (GGS panel data - Czech or internationally comparable datasets), which allow the use of multivariate methods, in particular regression and event history modelling.

The candidate should have skills in advanced demographic analytical methods, a good knowledge of statistics and experience in analysing sample survey data (or other anonymised individual data). Experience with international comparative analysis is welcome.

Selected publications

Kocourková, J., Slabá, J., Šťastná, A. 2022. The role of cohorts in the understanding of the changes in fertility in Czechia since 1990. AUC Geographica 57(1), 61-74.

Kocourková, J., Šťastná, A. 2021. The realization of fertility intentions in the context of childbearing postponement: Comparison of transitional and post-transitional populations. Journal of Biosocial Science 53(1): 82–97.

Slabá, J., Kocourková, J., Šťastná, A. 2021. Neplánovaný odklad mateřství do vyššího věku v životní dráze českých žen [The Unplanned Postponement of Motherhood to Later Ages in the Life Course of Czech Women], Sociológia 53(1): 49-70.

Šťastná, A., Kocourková, J., Šprocha, B. 2020. Parental Leave Policies and Second Births: A Comparison of Czechia and Slovakia. Population Research and Policy Review 39: 415–437

Kocourková, J., Šťastná, A., Černíková, A. 2019. Vliv ekonomické krize na úroveň plodnosti ve státech Evropské unie. [The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Fertility Levels in EU Member States]. Politická ekonomie (IF=0.351) 67(1): 82-104.

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