Project summary
Gentrification provokes different reactions and responses of the residents and other users to the changes within the neighbourhood. Through a case studies of former working-class quarters located in the inner-city of Prague, the main objective of this project lies in identifying those forms of reactions and responses and analysing the outcome of the same. The research aims at delineating physical, socio-demographic, economic, functional and cultural changes in the urban environment. Building upon the findings, the research will carry out an in-depth analysis of the construction of the new identities of the neighbourhoods.
As a starting point of the empirical research, content analysis of academic and policy literature will be supplemented with official development plans and geographic data. For essential data collection, through an interdisciplinary and humanistic approach in urban geography, qualitative fieldwork is required that includes elements of ethnography, narrative analysis, mapping, media discourse analysis, observations and semi-structured interviewing.
Selected publications of the research group
- KÄHRIK, A., TEMELOVÁ, J., KADARIK, K., KUBEŠ, J. (2016): What attracts people to inner city areas? The cases of two post-socialist cities in Estonia and the Czech Republic. Urban Studies, 53(2): 355−372.
- OUŘEDNÍČEK, M. (2016): The relevance of “Western” theoretical concepts for investigations of the margins of post-socialist cities: the case of Prague. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 57(4-5): 545–564.
- ŠPAČKOVÁ, P., POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L., OUŘEDNÍČEK, M. (2016): The Long-term Development of Socio-spatial Differentiation in Socialist and Post-socialist Prague. Czech Sociological Review, 52(6): 821–860.
- OUŘEDNÍČEK, M., ŠIMON, M., KOPEČNÁ, M. (2015): The reurbanisation concept and its utility for contemporary research on post-socialist cities: The case of the Czech Republic. Moravian Geographical Reports, 23(4): 25−35.
- TEMELOVÁ, J. (2007): Flagship developments and the physical upgrading of post-socialist inner city: The Golden Angel project in Prague. Geografiska Annaler, 89B(2): 169−181.
Current research projects of the group
- History and future of housing estates: quality of residential environment and residential satisfaction. Czech Science Foundation (2020–2022)
- Residential segregation and mobility of foreign citizens: analysis of neighbourhoods, housing trajectories, and neighbourhood effects. Czech Science Foundation (2019–2021)
- Real populations in Prague and Central Bohemia region: daily mobility monitoring and population prognosis. Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (2018–2020)
- Contemporary changes of social environment within the Czech suburbs. Czech Science Foundation (2018–2020)
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