The shift in childbearing towards older ages has constituted one of the most significant demographic trends observed in Czechia since the 1990s. Therefore, increasing attention is being devoted to the family planning and the conditions that need to be met and the obstacles that these plans change.
The project aims to investigate fertility plans and the realization thereof in the context of changing life-course and differentiation of partnership and professional life trajectories of young Czech women and men. The candidate should have skills in advanced demographic analytical methods. In order to answer contemporary societal challenges on population and family dynamics, to understand contemporary demographic changes and to formulate the best policies, the monitoring and thorough analyses based on high quality and cross‐nationally comparable longitudinal data and is essential. The research will be based on using the individual-level survey data (GGS panel data - Czech or internationally comparable data sets) that allows multivariate methods, particularly hazard and event history models.
Kocourková, J., Šťastná, A. 2020. The realization of fertility intentions in the context of childbearing postponement: Comparison of transitional and post-transitional populations. Journal of Biosocial Science (IF=1,207), 1-16. doi:10.1017/S002193202000005X – online first
Šťastná, A., Kocourková, J., Šprocha, B. 2020. Parental Leave Policies and Second Births: A Comparison of Czechia and Slovakia. Population Research and Policy Review 39: 415–437 (IF=1,215)
Šťastná, A., Slabá, J., Kocourková, J. 2019. Druhé dítě – důvody neplánovaného odkladu a časování jeho narození. [Reasons for the Unplanned Postponement and Timing of the Birth of a Second Child]. Demografie 61(2): 77-92. (Scopus)
Kocourková, J., Šťastná, A., Černíková, A. 2019. Vliv ekonomické krize na úroveň plodnosti ve státech Evropské unie. [The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Fertility Levels in EU Member States]. Politická ekonomie (IF=0.351) 67(1): 82-104.
Šprocha, B., Šťastná, A., Šídlo, L. 2017. Bezdetnosť – nový fenomén v životných dráhach žien na Slovensku. [Childlessness – a New Phenomenon in the Life Courses of Women in Slovakia]. Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review 49(5): 561-587. (IF=0.500) Dostupné na:
TAČR Éta, 06/2020–12/2023 (TL03000338): Improvement of data basis for development and evaluation of family policy (Obohacení datové báze pro tvorbu a evaluaci rodinné politiky)
GAČR, 2021-2023 (č. 21-31691S): Demographic consequences of assisted reproduction in Czechia (Demografické souvislosti asistované reprodukce v Česku)
GAČR, 2018-2020 (č. 18-08013S): Transition towards the late childbearing pattern: individual prospects versus societal costs (Posun rodičovství do vyššího věku: individuální perspektivy versus společenské náklady)
Deadline is closed