Project summary

The main topic of research is an evaluation of the land cover/land use changes using Earth observation data Sentinel-2 and Landsat. The main focus of the research is on the changes of forest and agricultural land based on time series methods. The methods using Earth observation with combination of in-situ data will be developed and tested in the selected areas in Czechia and Slovakia. The main goal of the research is an application of Sentinel-2 and Landsat (combination) in the changes of forest and agricultural vegetation using time series methods. Used data and algorithms should be useful in the detection of changes occurred in the forest and arable land.

Five relevant publications of the research group

Kloucek, T., Moravec, D., Komarek, J. , Lagner, O.; Stych, P. (2018): Selecting appropriate variables for detecting grassland to cropland changes using high resolution satellite data. PEERJ Volume: 6,

PAZÚR, R., FERANEC, J., ŠTYCH, P., KOPECKÁ, M., HOLMAN, L. Changes of urbanised landscape identified and assessed by the urban atlas data: Case study of Prague and Bratislava. Land Use Policy. 2017, Volume 61, pp. 135–146,

ŠTYCH, P., ŠANDERA, J., MALÍKOVÁ, L., MARCINKOWSKA-OCHTYRA, A., JAROCIŃSKA, A., ZAGAJEWSKI, B.. The use of vegetation indices in the evaluation of vegetation phenology based on MERIS data: the Czech Republic case study. AUC Geographica, 2015, 50, No. 1, pp. 101–110.

FERANEC, J., SOUKUP, T., TAFF, G., N., ŠTYCH, P., BIČÍK, I. Overview of Changes in Land Use and Land Cover in Eastern Europe. In: Gutman, G., Radeloff ,V., (eds.). Land-Cover and Land-Use Changes in Eastern Europe after the Collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Springer International Publishing, 2017. pp. 13-33.

ŠTYCH, P., MALÍKOVÁ, L., KŘÍŽ, J., HOLMAN, L.. Multi-temporal analysis of vegetation reflectance using MERIS data in the Czech Republic. Miscellanea Geographica – Regional Studies on Development, 2014, 18(2), pp. 30-34.

Current research grants of the group

Project H2020 “User Uptake” 2018 - 2021

Evaluation of the forest disturbances using Earth observation in Czechia and Slovakia, Grant Agency of Charles University, 2017-2019

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