At nowadays, majority of coal-fired power plants in the EU pipe flue gas directly into natural-draft cooling towers to disperse particulate and gaseous pollutants. In cooling towers, the emissions are mixed with hot air and water vapor, receive intensified lift and also interact with droplets of large vapour plumes formed above the towers. While interaction between the plume droplets and SO2 is well described, there was a very limited information on plume droplets-particulate matter interaction though the imminent importance of such a strong anthropogenic aerosol source. Therefore, comprehensive measurements of primary aerosol particles in a breeching pipe and above cooling towers will be conducted. This approach allows for determination of mass balance of primary aerosol particles and comprehensive characterization of real emission of aerosol particles by the coal power plant. The measurements will be conducted in the Chvaletice coal-fired power station in Czechia. Our preliminary research indicates intensive post-injection cloud-processing of primary aerosol particles.

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