Laboratory of Immunotherapy - Immunization against Tumors Caused by Human Viruses
PhD. Michal Šmahel
Doležal lab
Pavel Doležal
Laboratory of Biology of Yeast Colonies
Zdena Palková
Laboratory of Plant Cell Biology and Biotechnology - Plant Molecular Biology group
Lukáš Fischer
Plant Cell Biology and Biotechnology, group Cytoskeleton
RNDr. Kateřina Schwarzerová , Ph.D.
Jan Mašek
DiCE (Diatoms in Cryospheric Ecosystems)
Tyler Kohler
Evolutionary and Ecological Immunology
RNDr. Michal Vinkler , Ph.D.
Laboratory of Biomedical Anthropology
Petr Sedlak
Seasonal dynamics and stochasticity of pollination networks in montane ecosystems
Jiří Hadrava
Fendrych laboratory
Matyáš Fendrych
Fish Evolution Research Group
Mgr. Zuzana Musilová , PhD.
Laboratory of Sensory and Evolutionary Neurobiology
Pavel Němec
Synthetic Biology
Dr. Klára Hlouchová
Laboratory of Quantitative Ecology
Ondřej Mottl
Avian parasites
Doc. Mgr. Milena Svobodová , Ph. D.
Laboratory of Cell Morphogenesis
Viktor Žárský
Dr. Marian Novotný
Theoretical and evolutionary biology
Karel Kleisner
Marek Stibal
Laboratory of RNA Biochemistry
RNDr. Martin Pospíšek , Ph.D.
Membrane receptors and cell signaling
DSc. Jiří Novotný
Drug Discovery and Evaluation Unit
Martin Zoltner
Laboratory of Cell Biology
Martin Potocký
RNDr. Tomáš Mašek , Ph.D.
Tachezy Lab
Jan Tachezy
Biology: Non-canonical mRNA cap-binding translation initiation factors in cancer and development