Typicality and the concept of type has traditionally played an important role within all life sciences including psychology, comparative anatomy, and morphology. Typical object, or abstraction of a typical object, results from comparison of many particular occurrences of things. Such typical objects are usually considered as a reference against which all other things in the environment are evaluated. The things perceived as the most distant from a type are realized as distinct and less familiar.
In the present project, we will take advantage of geometric morphometrics to estimate the individual degree of facial typicality/distinctiveness of individuals from different cultures. We will investigate whether there is any relationship between the individual degree of typicality and sex-typicality (the level of facial maleness/femaleness). We will also search how facial typicality/sex-typicality influences the perception of attractiveness and other perceived social-relevant factors, such as trustworthiness and dominance, within and between various cultures.
Linke, Lenka; Saribay, S Adil; Kleisner, Karel; Perceived trustworthiness is associated with position in a corporate hierarchy,Personality and Individual Differences,99,,22-27,2016,Pergamon
Kleisner, Karel; Kočnar, Tomáš; Tureček, Petr; Stella, David; Akoko, Robert Mbe; Třebický, Vít; Havlíček, Jan; African and European perception of African female attractiveness,Evolution and Human Behavior,38,6,744-755,2017
Danel, Dariusz P; Valentova, Jaroslava Varella; Sanchez, Oscar R; Leongómez, Juan David; Varella, Marco AC; Kleisner, Karel; A cross‐cultural study of sex‐typicality and averageness: Correlation between frontal and lateral measures of human faces,American Journal of Human Biology,30,5,e23147,2018
Saribay, S Adil; Kleisner, Karel, Are political views and religiosity related to facial morphology? Evidence from a Turkish sample,Personality and Individual Differences,124,,25-30,2018
Saribay, S Adil; Biten, Ali Furkan; Meral, Erdem Ozan; Aldan, Pinar; Třebický, Vít; Kleisner, Karel; The Bogazici face database: Standardized photographs of Turkish faces with supporting materials,PloS one,13,2,e0192018,2018
GACR 18-10298S: The social perception of sexual dimorphism in human face: A cross-cultural comparison.
Grant Projects, SVV, Departmental Resources
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