Preschool age is a highly significant period characterized by intensive development of motor skills, formation of fundamental skeletal structures. It also marks the ontogenetically most significant change in the linear proportionality of the body. The growth of the limbs accelerates and leads to a rapid change in their length compared to the length of the trunk, referred to as the first transformation of the body. This phenomenon appears to be the limiting correlate for all other somatic developmental processes in this ontogenetic period.

The aim of the dissertation project is to comprehensively analyze the dynamics of growth in this ontogenetic period and evaluate allometric relationships in the acceleration of growth of body segments and morphological structures. Additionally, the influence of the child's genetic growth disposition and the correlation with the level of motor skills will be monitored. Transversal data from a set of preschool children, collected since 2016, will be used as the primary source. For a more detailed analysis of the individual trend of growth dynamics, data from the longitudinal monitoring of preschool children from 2018-2024 will be used.

The anticipated outcome of the project should be the clarification of segmental allometry of body growth in the period of the most significant dynamic change in linear proportionality and its limiting application in the process of physical and motor development of the child.

Five relevant publications of the research group:

Maratova, K., Zemkova, D., Sedlak, P., Pavlikova, M., Amaratunga, S.A., Krasnicanova, H., Soucek, O. and Sumnik, Z. (2023) A comprehensive validation study of the latest version of BoneXpert on a large cohort of Caucasian children and adolescents. Frontiers Endocrinology, 14:1130580. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2023.1130580

Vážná, A., Vignerová, J., Brabec, M., Novák, J., Procházka, B., Gabera, A., Sedlak, P. (2022) Influence of COVID-19-related restrictions on the prevalence of overweight and obese Czech children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 11902.

Musálek, M., Sedlak, P., Dvořáková, H., Vážná, A., Novák, J., Kokštejn, J., Vokounová, Š., Beránková, A., Pařízková, J. (2021) Insufficient physical fitness and deficits in basic eating habits in normal-weight obese children are apparent from pre-school age or sooner. Nutrients, 13, 3464.

Sedlak, P., Pařízková, J., Samešová, D., Musálek, M., Dvořáková, H., Novák, J. (2021) Secular changes in body build and body composition in Czech preschool children in the context of latent obesity. Children, 8, 18.

Sedlak, P., Pařízková, J., Procházková, L., Cvrčková, L., Dvořáková, H. (2017): Secular changes of adiposity in Czech children aged from 3 to 6 years: latent obesity in preschool age. BioMed Research International. doi:10.1155/2017/2478461

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