Laboratory of Immunotherapy - Immunization against Tumors Caused by Human Viruses
PhD. Michal Šmahel
Heterogeneous catalysis and advanced materials
Dr. Michal Mazur
Soft Matter
Dr. Mariusz Uchman
Medicinal chemistry and Drug delivery
Dr. Ondřej Baszczyňski
Jakub Langhammer
Soft Matter
Prof. RNDr. Pavel Matějíček , Ph.D.
Urban and Regional Laboratory
Martin Fleischmann
Doležal lab
Pavel Doležal
The Soft Matter Theory Group
Dr. Oleg V. Rud
Restoration ecology lab
Jan Frouz
Laboratory of Biology of Yeast Colonies
Zdena Palková
Organometallic chemistry
Dr. Jiří Schulz
Multifunctional Nanomaterials and Nanoparticles (MultiFuN)
Dr. Dominika Zákutná
Laboratory of Plant Cell Biology and Biotechnology - Plant Molecular Biology group
Lukáš Fischer
Plant Cell Biology and Biotechnology, group Cytoskeleton
RNDr. Kateřina Schwarzerová , Ph.D.
Jan Mašek
Research Team of Image and Laboratory Spectroscopy (TILSPEC)
Lucie Kupková
Group of Chemical Biology and Biocatalysis
Doc. Jiří Míšek , Ph.D.
Group of Asymmetric Synthesis
Prof. RNDr. Jan Veselý , Ph.D.
DiCE (Diatoms in Cryospheric Ecosystems)
Tyler Kohler
Jelena Lange
Evolutionary and Ecological Immunology
RNDr. Michal Vinkler , Ph.D.
Laboratory of Biomedical Anthropology
Petr Sedlak
Seasonal dynamics and stochasticity of pollination networks in montane ecosystems
Jiří Hadrava
Soil Mechanics – Geohazards
Gianvito Scaringi
Fendrych laboratory
Matyáš Fendrych
The Soft Matter Theory Group
Prof. Filip Uhlík
Fish Evolution Research Group
Mgr. Zuzana Musilová , PhD.
Lithospheric Deformation Research Group
Ondrej Lexa
Laboratory of Sensory and Evolutionary Neurobiology
Pavel Němec
Synthetic Biology
Dr. Klára Hlouchová
Ecosystem Ecology and Restoration
Veronika Jílková
Geomorphology and Geodynamics
Prof. Vít Vilímek
Laboratory of Quantitative Ecology
Ondřej Mottl
Avian parasites
Doc. Mgr. Milena Svobodová , Ph. D.
Laboratory for Air Quality Research
Dr. Naděžda Zíková
Urban and Regional Laboratory
Martin Fleischmann
Laboratory of Cell Morphogenesis
Viktor Žárský
Dr. Marian Novotný
Theoretical and evolutionary biology
Karel Kleisner
Marek Stibal
Exobiology Group
Jan Jehlička
The Soft Matter Theory Group
Dr. Lucie Nová
Laboratory of RNA Biochemistry
RNDr. Martin Pospíšek , Ph.D.
Soft Matter
Prof. RNDr. Miroslav Štěpánek , Ph.D.
NMR laboratory
RNDr. Zdeněk Tošner , PhD
Václav Treml
Jan Tumajer
(Nano)Materials modeling
Dr. Junjie He
Environmental Geochemistry Group
prof. Vojtěch Ettler
Michal Jeníček
Environmental Geochemistry Group
Petr Drahota
Chromatographic analytical methods
doc. RNDr. Karel Nesměrák , Ph.D.
Laboratory of Structural Biochemistry of Immune Recognition
RNDr. Ondřej Vaněk , PhD.
Membrane receptors and cell signaling
DSc. Jiří Novotný
Polymer synthesis and Biomaterials
RNDr. Ondřej Sedláček , PhD
Drug Discovery and Evaluation Unit
Martin Zoltner
Geomorphology and Geodynamics
Dr. Martin Margold
Laboratory of Cell Biology
Martin Potocký
Heterogeneous catalysis and advanced materials
Dr. Pavel Jelinek , Ph.D.
Catalysis in Organic Synthesis
prof. Martin Kotora
RNDr. Tomáš Mašek , Ph.D.
Tachezy Lab
Jan Tachezy
Jan Tumajer
Chemistry: Advanced Electron Microscopy Techniques for the Characterization of Tunable Zeolitic Architectures