The STARS program provides fully funded PhD positions to ensure an excellent education and an adequate income to PhD students of the Faculty of Science. The STARS program aims to attract the best students from abroad, as well as from the Czech Republic.
The STARS program guarantees that the student will receive at least 20500 CZK/month (equivalent of cca 800 EUR/month). The actual income may exceed this amount, depending on the specific funding of each individual project.
The STARS program is open to all applicants who hold a master‘s degree or equivalent in sciences, medicine, pharmacology etc., or who will obtain this degree before the start of the program (see the timetable below).
You can choose up to three projects (see Open calls) for which you can then apply through an online application form.
The program is competitive. The supervisors of the individual PhD projects will shortlist eligible applicants, who will then be interviewed.
Individual calls are opened to all applicants who hold a PhD degree in sciences, medicine, pharmacology etc.
Please follow the timeline of each individual position and contact the research group leader directly.
The program is competitive. The group leader will shortlist eligible applicants, who will then be contacted.